| | |
Moai | Google Scholar | https://github.com/colav/moai |
Guatquyca | Frontend ImpactU | https://github.com/colav/guatquyca |
Chibchas | Scraping Institulac | https://github.com/colav/Chibchas |
UkuPacha | SQL to JSON | https://github.com/colav/UkuPacha |
KayPacha | Extracción de modelos relacionales Scienti / SIIU | https://github.com/colav/KayPacha |
WOSPlus | Combinación de bases de datos bibliográficas | https://github.com/colav/WOSplus |
Hunahpu | Paquete de similaridad, Usado en Moai | https://github.com/colav/Hunahpu |
Oxomo | OAI-PMH (D-Space) | https://github.com/colav/Oxomo |
OracleDocker | Docker con oracle para la base de datos de Scienti y SIIU | https://github.com/colav/oracle-docker |
Hunabku | Modular APIs creation using plugins system | https://github.com/colav/HunabKu |
HunabKu_plugins | Plugins para la creación de endpoints | https://github.com/colav/HunabKu_plugins |
Yuku | Scienti Open Data using socrata (and cvlac Scrapper) | https://github.com/colav/Yuku |
Kerana | Elastic Search and MongoDB tools | https://github.com/colav/Kerana |